Beyond the Resorts: Discovering the Dominican Republic’s Secret Cenotes, Farms, and Beaches
The heat and humidity instantly cut through me as soon as I exited the Punta Cana International Airport. There had to be close to a hundred Dominicans lined up on either side of the sidewalk, shouting “Taxi? You need a ride? Taxi!”. They all held signs for shuttles and taxis to whisk you away from…
Journey to the Hidden Corners of Panama: Exploring Remote Villages and Meeting the Naso Tribe
In 2017 I traveled to Panama with a medical team to provide healthcare to the indigenous Naso tribe. The trip took seven days. I had just arrived in Panama City, Panama with about fifteen strangers. Among us were doctors, nurses, nurse’s aids, dentists, and paramedics. Our team had one thing in common. We aimed to treat…